Tuesday, October 12, 2010

100 Things

I've been thinking a lot about how I want this blog to progress.   I'll write more about that later.  One thing I have decided though, is that I want to be me 100%, no matter what.  It may be a little raw but it will be accurate.  I have read blogs that come across as textbooks (yawn) and others that have been so emotionally honest I almost felt guilty for reading thoughts so personal.  If those are my only options though, I want my blog to be like the latter.  It is tough for me to be myself all the time, open and vulnerable, but that is the goal with this blog.  I hope that anyone reading will get a chance to know me a little better by the time they leave.  

So here's my first attempt.  A 100 things list.  Lets start simple.  Here's 100 things you may not know about me. It will be long but probably also embarrassing, so there's your incentive to keep reading.

1.   I like doing lists like these.  It gives me a framework to express myself in ways I wouldn't in real life.
2.   I could ride my bike all day long up and down the river and never get bored.
3.   I don't like wearing socks, but I don't like looking at my feet either.  Catch 22.
4.   I had a pretend marriage with Dixie D in kindergarten during recess.  We kissed.
5.   My initials are CCC.
6.   I like alone time, with my thoughts.
7.   Any day I can spend in pajamas is a good day.
8.   I had a 94% average in high school (Carlton Comprehensive)
9.   I had a 92% average at Fountain of Life Bible College
10. I had a 95% average at CBC and won the Student Achievement award.  My real incentive though was to beat my brother who received the same award the year previous.
11. I was abducted once by aliens but returned several days later.  Just kidding.  I want to keep you on your toes.  Actually though, I once thought I was being followed by a UFO as I rode my bike.  When I got home I whipped out my dad's binoculars only to discover it was a satellite orbiting overhead.
12.  I like math.  And by extension physics, chemistry, calculus, etc...
13.  I had a 90% average at the U of S over two years before I dropped out to do something a lot funner.
14.  I fly planes for a living.
15.  I have no grandparents or great grandparents anymore.
16.  I was a premed student.
17.  I ran the Calgary Marathon in 2007.
18.  I hope to do the Canadian Iron Man in 2011.
19.  I play more video games than an adult should
20.  I have lead 2 different youth groups at 2 different churches (at the same time).
21.  I have never been on a vacation with my family growing up.
22.  I once went to a tanning salon.
23.  I don't like wearing watches.
24.  I pray a lot, at random times.
25.  I have a sunken chest or Pectus excavatum.
26.  I want to have at lest 2 kids when I get married.
27.  I have cried during animated movies.  Curse you Disney.
28.  I can count all my friends on a single hand, but I would consider them much closer than most people's friends.
29.  I find thinking of 100 things about myself really difficult.
30.  I want to be a better Christian.
31.  I want to grow closer to God.
32.  I have a degree.
33.  My only ring is a twisted wire from a champagne cork from my grandpa's 3rd wedding.  I've had it for over 10 years. It carries a special meaning for me.
34.  I wish I could sing, at least good enough that other people wouldn't point and laugh.
35.  I play guitar.
36.  I fool around on drums.
37.  I embarrass myself on piano.
38.  I submerge myself in music.  I absorb it.  I dissect and assemble it.
39.  I can't stand music in the background.  I have to give it my full attention if I hear it.
40.  I have a filling.  (Wow, I'm really running out of things now.)
41.  I could stare at leaves on a tree or stars in the sky for hours.
42.  Sometimes I care about people so much it's overwhelming.  Sometimes I care very little.  I would prefer the first one.
43.  I think clouds are amazing.
44.  I was named after my mom's dad who passed away shortly before I was born.
45.  I find it difficult to show emotion.  I wish I didn't.  I'm sure there will be an entry about that at some time.
46.  I had a cat raised by a dog.  It was "different".
47.  I used to kayak years and years ago.  I was asked by our coach if I would like to train for the Olympics. I declined.  I don't regret it.
48.  I like soccer, basketball and volleyball, but am only average at all of them.
49.  I always wanted to be 6 feet tall. 
50.  I am not 6 feet tall.
51.  My brother is my best friend.
52.  I tend to get along better with females than males.  There will be a future post about this some time too.
53.  I took several years of biology, calculus, chemistry, organic chemistry, biochemistry, stats, physics, anatomy, economics, business law, accounting, history, and english at the UofS and found the class I disliked the most was poetry.
54.  Sugar is my kryptonite.
55.  Collective Soul is one of my favorite bands ever. 
56.  I really really wish I could play the piano better.
57.  This is my first blog.
58.  I rarely say, "I love you".  If you've ever heard me say it, I really really meant it.  There will be a post about that sometime as well.
59.  I want to be like David.
60.  When no one can hear me, I sing.  
61.  When no one can see me, I dance.
63.  I wish I could dance.
64.  I have designed my own tattoo, which I will probably never get.
65.  I think Vivaldi has written some of the greatest music ever.
66.  I struggle to read the bible.  I wish I didn't.  I wish it was water to my soul.  I have read it though.
67.  I don't like hugging people but I like being hugged.  I'm sure that would take a couple therapy sessions to figure out.  If anyone is reading this, hug me the next time you see me.  Please.  Thank you.
69.  I have never smoked anything in my life ever.
70.  I can say the alphabet backwards in under 6 seconds.
71.  I put 7 habanero peppers in my last chili.  I will not do that again.
72.  I like cooking.  I'm pretty good at it too, although when I experiment, there's usually burritos in the freezer as back up.
73.  I feel like a 22 year old stuck in a 30 year old's body.  How did this happen?
74.  I wish I knew how to hold a baby.
75.  My brother's initials are CCC.
76.  I want my life to be consumed by God.
77.  I want to be a better person.
78.  I am not who I should be but I am not who I was so I'm heading in the right direction.
79.  I am not affectionate but I wish I was.  I'm working on that.  If/when I have kids I promise to smother them in hugs and kisses until they are big enough to get away.  Same goes for my wife.
80.  My favorite color is purple.
81.  I love pumpkin pie.
83.  I like comfortable silences with people I know and who know me.
84.  I have had "God" moments in silence and listening to Kanye West, POD, Hedley, Creed and Linkin Park.  Not exactly what you'd expect.
85.  I ran for city council a couple years after graduating in PA.  I didn't win but I did well.
86.  I am cheap.
87.  I don't like wearing jewelry.
88.  I prefer when girls don't wear make up.  I'm not sure why, but there's something about natural beauty.
89.  As long as the sun is out, I don't mind the cold.
90.  I tend to live life inside my head, which I am actively working to change.  
91.  I tend to avoid meeting new people, which I am actively working to change.
92.  I tend to spend too much time by myself, which I am actively working to change.
93.  I rode my bike from Saskatoon to PA one day, spur of the moment.  
94.  One Saturday while at CBC I rode Logan's bike from Strathmore to Calgary, cruised around the Bow River for the day and then rode back to Strathmore.
95.  I like tapioca pudding.
96.  For someone who struggles with showing emotion, I think I cry too much.
97.  I don't hate anything, except doing dishes.  Arg.
98.  I have dyed my hair twice in my life.  I didn't really care for either colour, but I think it would be fun to try blonde for a little bit.
99.  I was once pulled over by the police for speeding on the wrong side of the road while running a red light without my lights on in the fog at night, not wearing my seatbelt with an intoxicated minor in the car.
100.  I have never gotten a traffic ticket.


Unknown said...

You're a fascinating and intelligent person, it's a real shame that I have to learn about you this way instead of in person since each item deserves an hour long explanation but I guess it's a start.

Clinton said...

Like #99 + #100?

Unknown said...

Yah please explain those two; somehow my brain must have rejected #99 from it's memory bank!

Clinton said...

Both are true. And #99 would definitely take a while to explain. I'm not a rule breaker, honestly.