Thursday, October 14, 2010

Extraordinarily Deep Thoughts II

Whether you realize it or not, deliriou5? is a band that changed Christian worship music in the 90's.  If you've ever attended church you've probably sung some of their songs.  Beginning as a group of guys writing some songs for some youth events, their genuine passion and emotion poured through the lyrics and melodies, and pushed them to the forefront of a wave of new worship in the church.  I did not come across deliriou5? until late in their career while at bible college.  I was unaware of the world of Christian music that existed outside the hymnal until stumbling upon Jars of Clay in my late teens.  This recording is from their farewell performance, 18 years after they started, and about 15 years after this song was originally released.  The raw emotion still keeps me in awe.  The original release, from the Cutting Edge, is just as amazing if not more so.  I don't know how they managed to capture it on tape.  This song is on the playlist of my life, for both the good times and the rough times.


Unknown said...

Yah they definitely know how to produce emotion and dynamics but; it doesn't SAY a whole lot about faith or the Christian walk.

I can't believe you were so "unaware" of Christian music, what did you listen to then? As a kid I tried to listen to my little Michael W. Smith and Amy Grant tapes but they were always drowned out by all the Whitecross, Stryper, Bride, Guardian etc blaring from my brother's bedroom!

Clinton said...

I listened to ... nothing. Just the radio, and that was pretty random. My household growing up was very different from most. Music was not a big part of my life until much later in my life than most. Until my teens I had no idea that there was modern day music written about the Christian experience. I know it's hard to fathom. Think of it like one day discovering a new colour you had never seen before. It would blow your mind. There's just no frame of reference to comprehend it.

I think passion is a lot of the Christian faith and walk. I don't need every song to be a theological exposition. And for me, coming from a more science based background, music is the outlet I express my passion and emotion, not just my doctrine. For me the lyrics, "My heart longs for You," is both passion and doctrine. That said, deliriou5? has other more faithy and walky songs, but for a person like me, who has to work to show emotion, this song says it all.