Sunday, October 19, 2014


Slowly organizing my life. Slowly. Removing clutter. Adding order. Finding a life outside of work.

I am very good at organizing and finding efficiencies. Somehow I have never really turned my focus on my own life. When I took over a division of my company last year it ran over budget for 13 months in a row. The first month I took over we ran over budget by $17. The next month we were under budget and have been for the last 17 months up to now. My division is just about to turn in its most profitable year in the last decade.

I'm turning my focus on my time management.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

First Things First

Necessities of life

That's close to the way I think life should line up. The way my life is right now seems to be more like work, necessities of life, work, family, work, friends, work, recreation, work, God. I need to figure some things out.

There are only 168 hours in a week.
About 56 hours are for sleeping, or trying to sleep.
There are about 21 hours a week for eating and hygiene.
I work about 50 to 60 hours a week.
There's about 10 hours of driving/transportation for work/school/life each week.

That leaves 21 hours a week for everything else. Only 3 hours a day. And out of that remaining time I juggle my hobby job, youth group, church, C&C, sports, friends, family. church, groceries, laundry, etc... It's not enough time for the things that matter. When I actually do the math I can't believe I'm living my life this way. I get cranky often. And I'm not a cranky person. When something important requires my time it's always sleep and God that get cut out of my schedule.

I'm thinking of ways to make changes.