Tuesday, July 5, 2011

VBS Day 1

Today was the first day of VBS.  I'm really impressed with the entire organization and program.  The church is great.  The people are great.  The weather was great today too.  We're expecting mid 20's and sun all week long.  Things couldn't be better.  I'm working with awesome kids and a great adult who has a similar style and philosophy as I do when it comes to working with kids and games.  We met up at 8:15am, started the actual VBS at 9am and ended at noon.  It was great.  I spent all morning playing with over 100 kids and left for work with more energy than when I started my day.

There are some things that just make me tick.  I like numbers, math, stats, economics, financial stuff. I like science.  I like bike riding.  I like movies.  I like politics.  I like kids.  Get me involved with any one of those things and my excitement level starts to rise.  It's just a part of who I am.  It has taken me a long time to figure that out.

I said previously that I am slowly finding places I feel I fit in this life.   Working with kids is definitely one of those places.

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