Sunday, May 13, 2012

I Jumped

I jumped.
I stepped off the ledge.
I haven't quite landed yet. 
I'm a little breathless and I'm still figuring things out. 
I think I know which way is up and which way is down. 
One thing's for sure. You definitely can't beat the view from here.

Ya, that was all a little poetic and vague. I don't know how definitive I should be on this space. I will say that a lot of things have been happening in my life the last few weeks. The change I knew was coming has arrived. Or maybe its more accurate to say the change I knew was coming is arriving daily.

I am moving forward in my life with God, slowly and intentionally. I know I need to schedule my time with God because my life can get fairly chaotic quite easily and if I don't have that schedule I am not growing spiritually.

I am moving forward with my relationships in my family. Also slowly and intentionally. It has been both easier and more difficult than I thought but I'm pressing forward.

I am now officially attending a new church and slowly getting involved while slowly saying bye to people at my old church. The transition will be complete soon.

And... There's a girl ;)
And I like her.
And she likes me.
And we both know it.
I'm sure she's the reason why I haven't quite landed yet.
But, like I said before, you can't beat the view from here.

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