Monday, April 16, 2012

Is God Funny?

Ok. If we are created in God's image, what does that really mean? I've heard a lot about that from different sources. Each source makes a very interesting point. Each source also contradicts the other sources. They can't all be right, or can they? I'm not going to get too deep and theological but I'm heading in that direction. However, rather than say, "This is what God is, so this is how we should be," I'm going to go in the other direction. I'm going to reverse engineer the answer. (I still think we should ask ourselves what God is like, so that we can be more God-like ourselves, just not in this post.)

We humans have certain ingrained traits, no matter where we live, what we do, or what culture we were raised in. There is some universality between everyone. I think that universality is a good starting point. I've heard it said that we all smile in the same language. I think that's a deeper statement than the original author intended, but it's true. Happiness, Joy, Love. I think those are all universal. If God truly has imparted to the human race His own characteristics I think those must be a part of who God is. So, what about a sense of humour? What about being funny? I have never met a person who didn't have a sense of humour. Some of their senses of humour may be very different from mine, but they still found things funny and told jokes and tried to entertain. I have never ever met anyone who didn't try to tell a joke within the first 5 minutes of us meeting, at least not that I can remember. It is as if being funny is a part of all relationships. I know I find that the people I laugh with are the people I feel closer to. Therefore, I conclude God has a sense of humour. That is the end of this episode of discerning the character of God.

Now, on to what I really wanted to talk about. God, are you punking me? Maybe pranking is a better word? Or just having fun? Then again, maybe some things are just coincidence. But I bet God is kinda laughing to Himself anyway. I kinda am, and I'm pretty sure God finds the same things funny as I do.

Anyway, 15 months ago I was talking to God about some of my "leftovers" and how I wanted to overcome them. You've probably noticed I have some reservations about dancing if you've read any of my previous posts. I told God I wanted to work on that. BAM. A few days later I found myself standing in front of everyone at C&C doing a dance number at our Christmas banquet. I find that hilarious, in retrospect. (It was also extremely uncomfortable at the time.) So, I didn't really mention the dance thing to God again until recently, lest he take my request for another opportunity to have some fun. Fifteen months later, I dared to ask God for another opportunity and, BAM, a friend has discovered free dance lessons for a month. So, here we go again. I get the sneaking suspicion there was some divine intervention involved in all this. Joke 1.

Now, I also have some issues with touching and personal space. It's something I am also working on over coming. So I casually mentioned that to God. BAM. Within 2 days 2 different guys asked me if they could put their hands all over my body. Serious. Perhaps I should explain. One guy is becoming a massage therapist and needs to build his time and experience so he is offering free massages. Shudder. I have never had a massage and the thought of it freaks me out a little bit. Especially done by a guy. If I absolutely had to have a massage, I would prefer a girl. but that's like saying if I had to get run over by a vehicle I would prefer a car to a bus. Anyhoo, the second guy just happens to be my brother who needs to practice his physical examination techniques for his med school final. He desperately needs to practice on people to increase his skills. Nuts. I want to see him do well, but I don't want to be poked and prodded on a daily basis. I'll probably relent. Joke 2.

The Thing I Find Most Difficult To Talk About is joke 3. I have actually written the longest post ever about it, but have decided not to put it online at the moment for various reasons. I have hinted about it before so I may as well just come out and say it. Romantic relationships and my feelings about such things are extremely difficult for me to share. Hence the world's longest unpublished blog post I've written on the subject. So, I was chatting to God about that one day and shortly afterwards, BAM, the spouse of one of the C&C leaders told me they a had a long time friend they thought would be perfect for me. She asked if I would like to be set up on a blind date with this person. I have written a whole lot in my unpublished post about such things, so I'll let those thoughts stay on that post for now. Suffice to say I'm not interested in a blind date, ever. Anyway, I kind of find that funny too. One day I'm talking to God about such things, and the next day such things are banging on my door, offering those opportunities to me.

To recap: First, God has a sense of humour. And second, if I'm not being pranked by God, I'm sure He's at least enjoying the funny circumstances that have popped up in my life recently. It's like my life is a series of sitcom plots right now. If this keeps up I'm going to end up taking 3 dates to the prom while scheming to keep them all separate the entire night. Hilarity ensues.


Matthew said...

Romantic/sexual relationships are one of the most challenging parts of life to negotiate. You're definitely not alone.

Having said that, you might want to consider going on a blind date anyway, just for the experience. It could be an opportunity to really learn a lot about yourself, even if nothing further comes of it.

If nothing else, you'd probably emerge with a sweet story to blog about, am I right?

Clinton said...

Haha. Dating for the purpose of generating content for my blog. Hmmm.

I can't really say I've been on a blind date. I had a friend try to set me up on one before but we were all in a group setting and it didn't really happen. Whew.

Fortunately for me, I have had an opportunity for a lot of different one on ones, with both guys and girls. They were good. They were a chance for me to get to know them and know myself. There were no romantic implications, and so I felt safe. So that was good.

However, I really don't like the idea of meeting a complete stranger and trying to initiate a friendship and a romantic relationship from scratch. That's just not who I am. Stay tuned for a blog post touching on that subject.

And I agree, romantic relationships are one of the most challenging parts of life to negotiate.