Saturday, April 28, 2012

Crazy Week

Dear Diary,

This has been a crazy week. Crazy for lots of reasons. It feels like I've been running a marathon, fell off a cliff, and then got up to finish the marathon. I'm mentally and emotionally exhausted, in a good way. A way that feels like I'm growing and developing as a person. It's like exercise for the soul.

Lets see. The first thing I want to mention is actually kind of hard for me to say. I have only told a few people and there's more I want to tell in person. I have started going to a different church. For the first time in my life, ever, I have actually decided which church I will attend. That was a very tough decision for me. I had been at my previous church, for almost 7 years. As I read through my blog I found an entry back in January of last year where I mentioned I was trying to find where I fit, and I was actively trying to find the church for me. Well, 15 months later I have finally made my decision. It was very difficult for me to do. I have been in the same denomination since I was born and now I am going elsewhere. I am a very loyal guy and this decision was not an easy one for me to make. Whew! Exhale. I want to be clear and say my previous church was great. I am not leaving because I am disappointed with something or someone. It just feels like I have a purpose at my new church and I feel like I fit. It's taken me a long time to be able to say that.

My small group has gone through a few changes over the last week or two. People have come and gone. We are slowly figuring out who we are. I like what seemed to be taking shape this last week. It also feels good. We still need to figure things out but I think we're going in the right direction.

And Tuesday was the cliff, in a good way. I did something I haven't done since I was 11 years old. Something that kinda scarred me for life, up to this point. I danced. With a girl. And we held hands. And it was good. I had fun. After the dance lesson ended we continued on even though the rest of the students dispersed. I was mentally drained at this point. Then myself and two friends stayed up until 1 or 2 in the morning sharing a little bit of who we are with each other. We laughed a lot. We may have teared up a little bit too. I think we exposed a little bit of ourselves and made ourselves vulnerable to each other, and it was also good. I had a lot to think about after that night. There were thoughts verbalized that I didn't even know were ruminating around in my head. I'm sure I could write quite a few posts based on what came out of that night.

And C&C kicked my butt in a good way again. The message was spot on. I pray that it won't be lost on me  in a few weeks as the message fades. I'm glade I take notes. The next step is to put the word into action. It also dawned on me that many people at C&C the last few weeks are going to be gone for the summer now. It didn't click with me then but now I'm feeling a little sad knowing it will be 4 months before I see many of them again.

And another woman from church offered to set me up on a blind date with her friend. Seriously. I guess I am flattered, and somewhat confused. I politely declined the offer.

And there has been some other (positive and meaningful) emotional interactions going on this last week as well.

So, here I am now. I am trying not to censure myself. It's just that over the last week or so quite a few people in my life have discovered this blog. It makes me feel a little vulnerable sometimes. That's when I start second guessing myself and questioning how much of me to reveal in this place. As my life blooms, more and more people become a part of it. I can't write about my life without somehow making reference to the people in it. I want to keep them anonymous for the most part, but at the same time others in my life will definitely know who I am referring to. I'll try to work that out and I'll definitely try to stay true to my mission statement, to allow you, the reader, to know me a little better.

It feels like this last week has signaled the beginning of a new phase in my life. The phase I was hinting about for a couple months now has begun. I am excited and a little nervous, but God is good and that is good enough for now.


Matthew said...

"For the first time in my life, ever, I have actually decided which church I will attend."

That is so great. It's not easy to leave the patterns we've established and it sounds like you've done so with a clear and noble intention, to find the place where you feel you fit best and take responsibility for the decision to move in that direction.


And the dancing? Awesome. It's amazing to discover that we can face these situations that seem horribly terrifying and overcome our own fears.

Mr. C.C. said...

What's the big deal with being setup on a blind date? You've said yourself that you're at a point in your life that you want to settle down with a girl. So what if the date you declined was THE girl? You can't be afraid to take a chance. Even if this girl isn't the one, you might have made a friend.

Technically you did go to another church. Same denomination, sure, but another church all together.

Clinton said...

Hi C.C.

I like to casually meet people in a social setting. The idea of a blind date, meeting a total stranger and attempting to start a friendship, and a romantic relationship all at the same time with no foundation, freaks me out a little bit. I honestly don't think I could ever be "interested" in someone I wasn't friends with first. And I take a while to make friends.

I also don't really believe in "the one". I think that removes our free will from the equation. I think the most special thing about love is that it is a choice. And some day, if I'm lucky enough to find that special person, I will choose to love them, not because I have to but because I want to.

And yes, I did technically go to another church before. But literally, I did not make that decision.