Saturday, March 3, 2012


I'm tired.

Physically tired.
Emotionally tired.
Spiritually tired.

Some of it is my own doing. Some of it is out of my control.

I think the parts I can control are about to change. I've spread myself too thin. Too much of a good thing is not necessarily a good thing. I think this year will be a year of big changes for me. Good changes. Less tired.

I have so much to share, but I'm just too tired to share at the moment.

Stay tuned...


Mr. C.C. said...

Lately I've been emotionally and physically tired. I've been in a funk. Maybe the emotional and physical is something you are no addressing. You might need to talk to someone. Let the peace of God light your way!

Clinton said...

Thanks Chris.

It is something I am looking into. The physical tiredness is something I can address on my own. As for the rest, I'm looking into my options.