Thursday, August 11, 2011


Time is going by so fast. Summer is already on it's way out and I barely noticed it was here. The common refrain, "Where has the time gone?" is becoming a part of my lexicon more and more. And I don't like it.

I remember growing up, seeing my dad so busy all the time. It felt like he rarely had time for anything but work. I promised myself that when I grew up I would never be as busy as he was. And now here I am wondering where all the time has gone. I pride myself on my scheduling and organizational abilities but I feel like I keep forgetting to schedule a little me time. I guess the next step is to prioritize the things in my life. First things first, so to speak. I need to catch my breath before my busy-ness overwhelms me.

I need time for me and I need time for God.  It feels like the busier I get the more those two items get pushed to the bottom of my list.

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