Monday, April 1, 2013

Modern Worship Music


This will be my last post on why I dislike most "Christian" music (worship songs in particular).

I'll begin by saying that I don't hate all "Christian" music or worship music, just half of it. Admit it, you know every other song is pretty much identical. Same progression, timing, words, "feeling". Ugh. Apparently I'm not the only one who's thought this.

I apologize if the following video offends anyone. (But it's true.)

You can listen to the whole song by clicking here (if you really want to).

Now compare that to some of the "classics".


Ricky Lam said...

I don't mind modern Christian worship so much as it speaks to the culture of our times. We've become a lot more "feely". yup.

the ones you linked as oldie goldies are those that have the capacity to teach sound doctrine to a tune. Love hymns. :)

Clinton said...

There is new music I do like. I've linked to it on my blog. "Oldies" can be feelings based and new songs can be doctrinal as well. I try to mix it up a bit when I post a song. I guess my main complaint (besides lyrics that have the depth of a Justin Beiber love song) is the blandness of music, melody and creativeness. When every other song sounds the same I tend to think the "artists" are no longer using their gifts for the glory of God, but cranking out another worship song in under 5 minutes to throw in the pile.

Or put another way, not all "art" is good. I'm calling a spade a spade.