Today is the first day of the rest of my life. So is tomorrow. And the day after that. I guess there's nothing too significant about today's date but it does offer a chance for a symbolic clean slate. Old things are passed away, all things have become new.
I'm in a really good mood at the moment. Maybe it's because of this mental reset the new year offers, maybe it's because the sun is out, the sky is blue, and the Saskatchewan Winter has yet to arrive. Whatever it is, I'm feeling optimistic about what the future has to offer. Just based on the last year and a half, my life has been getting better and better in all areas, and there's no reason to think this trend is going to change in 2012.
You know what this means? Happy rant.
First, the weather is amazing. I wouldn't mind a little more snow for snowboarding, but seeing as the slopes can make their own snow, I'm happy. I haven't had to brave any -30 degree days with an additional insane wind chill so I can't complain. And today is just so amazing. I'm going to go for a walk. I haven't taken a casual stroll in a while.
The days are getting longer. Winter Solstice is my favourite day (Dec 21st) because every day after that for the next 6 months has more day light than the one previous. How awesome is that? And I live in the place that has more hours of sunlight than anywhere else in Canada. No seasonal affective disorder for me.
I get one more week of vacation this year than last year. While I'm not a big fan of travelling, because I travel for work all the time, the idea of going to Australia and New Zealand in the fall is taking shape. I'm planning on getting my scuba rating and diving the Great Barrier Reef. One less thing on the 'ole bucket list.
I'm not going to make any specific New Year's resolutions but I do have some things I want to continue to work on. First, I want to continue to develop real relationships with people I know and people I may meet in the upcoming year. Second, I want to restart my training regimen and give the Iron Man Canada a shot in September. Third, I want to get my scuba rating and my motor bike licence. Fouth, I want to continue to allow God to permeate all areas of my life, more so. These seem like realistic goals.
I'm still not an upfront, in the spotlight, center of attention kind of guy, but I won't shun those situations either if they offer themselves to me. Last night at a New Year's party there was a chance for me to play guitar for worship, which I temporarily avoided, but realized afterward that it is not the end of the world to stand out briefly. This may open new doors for me in the upcoming year, now that I have decided not to run away from those situations.
And finally, work. Work is a mixed blessing. I have a job I really, really like. It pays well and I am in a position some people wait for their entire career and never achieve. However, work has also been my biggest frustration this last year. While I like what I do, I wish I didn't have to do it so much. Scheduling has interfered with my life outside of work so often I started wondering if there is some other career out there that would allow me to live a normal life. Last year it seemed as though I was free every Thursday for C&C. This year it feels like I can't even buy a Thursday night off. I feel like a stranger when I come to C&C because I'm only there once a month, maybe, while everyone else there is much more regularly and growing their relationships. As well, I barely get to be involved in youth group for the same reason. Even when I think I can plan on something after work, my schedule changes. This has happened at least twice in the last few months where something important to me was overruled by work. Frustrating. Hmmmm, I didn't mean to end my happy rant with a complaint, so I'll end by saying I think scheduling will be better this year than last.
Ok, time to go for a walk on this beautiful day.
Bring on the year of optimism.
I hope it's a positive year for you, too!
Also, it's only one hundred years away from the prophetic fulfillment of Rush's '2112'. That's something to hold out for, I think.
I'm looking forward to watching the prophetic movie Back to the Future 2 in 2015.
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