There have been a lot of health scares and deaths in the circles that I travel last year.
My cousin's wife died from ALS last year. She was younger than I am. A co-worker discovered she has MS. She's younger than me as well. Two co-workers' children passed away.
What does this mean? I don't think there's meaning to be found in these events. But a lesson can be learned. Life's short. No one really knows when their time is going to be up, and I would guess most of the time its unexpected. There's the old cliche that no one lays on their death bed saying that they wish they would have worked more. I don't know when I may die. I'm planning to live past 100, Having said that, I don't want to work my best years away. The things that make life worth living are usually the first things that I sacrifice on the altar of work. What's the point? I'm still trying to find balance in my life. The guy from the video in the previous post definitely errs on the wrong side of the work/recreation scale. But I feel like I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum. I would definitely take less money to work less and live more. I don't want to find out my time is running short and all I've left behind is a profitable division of a company.
I've got more thoughts to think about on the subject.
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