Saturday, February 22, 2014


The days are noticeably longer now. Last week it seemed like it was always dark. This week I lost track of time because it is so bright late in the day. It makes me happy.

Here's a good song to start your weekend:

My dad's picking up his Christmas present on Monday:

Someone at work mistook me for 27 years old.
Someone at work thought I was married with kids.
I wonder if that's the "vibe" I put out.

I've got  invisible braces:

I'm going to New York in a couple months:

I manage a regional airline's scheduled flight service. Here's an email I received recently:

Thanks. I have wanted to send a note to your office to express how impressed I was with my flight to ________. From the minute I came through the door and checked in for the flight the service was friendly and amazing, I have been talking you up in our office and will definitely be using your serve more often now....

You guys should be doing training sessions for the big airlines...


Investment Advisor
__________ Securities

I get emails like this from our customers on a regular basis.

This is the most recent song I've learned on guitar:

That's it for now.

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