A couple weeks ago I arrived to church a few minutes late. I don't like being late. I also don't like being early but that's an unrelated thought at this time. Any way, my usual section was filled up. The only open seats were next to people I didn't know. (If you have been reading this blog for a while you probably know I am not a huge fan of meeting new people.) So I sat in an open space in a place I never sit, near people I didn't know. The service was about prayer. And to change things up a bit we were asked to form small groups with about five people or so in our vicinity.
Haha. Nice one, God. You got me again.
As a (slightly) shy, (kinda) introverted guy, my metaphorical idea of Hell is a pre-sermon church meet and greet time that never ends. Fortunately we only had to form a small group for the duration of the service so I guess I didn't really experience Hell this time.
So there I was, in a group of people I didn't know, being asked to share a bit of myself with them and pray for these strangers. As it turns out, one of the guys in my group was new. This was his first Sunday with us. He didn't know anyone, in our group, our section, or the church in general. I can't say we bonded but we had a similar point of reference we could relate to. I ended up praying for him. He had an interesting story which I won't share in this place, but I felt fortunate that I did end up praying for him. I didn't see him at church the following week (I was intentionally trying to find him) and I'm going to miss a few weeks because of work so I won't have a chance to connect with him for a while. I don't have any other way of finding him so I'm just continuing to pray for him and asking God to honour his decisions. Hopefully we'll meet again in the near future.
And that's my story for the day.
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