Dear Diary,
It has been a busy week or two. My time has been filled by work, church, C&C, dates, social gatherings, my birthday, small group, youth group, my other job, and my own thoughts. I am tired. I could feel it creeping up on me this weekend. Hopefully I will have a little "me" time tomorrow as I have the day off. I need some God time and some reading time. And maybe a little bike riding time too.
Yesterday I attended a baptismal service at a community pool. It was really moving. I teared up a few times. Some of my youth group kids were baptized. It was great to hear them publicly share their faith and their stories. It was great gathering together with other Christians in nature and worshiping and sharing testimonies.
Last week was also kind of sad for me. Some of my kids are moving into the high school youth group and so I won't see them nearly as much. I can already feel myself missing them. I'm not good with these feelings. I'm never quite sure how to process them. I could feel a heaviness as we had our last official youth group event last week. I suppose it's a natural and even joyful change but I'm still a little sad as people move on.
Next week is VBS. I have been looking forward to this all year. I am on the story team this year. Skits, plays, narrations, and all that good stuff. I'm excited. Unfortunately work is forcing me to miss the final day because I will be out of town, but I am still excited for the time I will have.
And relationships continue to amaze and confound me. But it's all good. I'm still excited for the possibilities and the certainties. I have three invitations by three different individuals to meet up for coffee this week. I don't know if I'll be able to fit everyone in. It's difficult being this popular ;)
I am definitely becoming more intentional and focused in my spiritual life. I never used to like sticking to a schedule for reading my bible or spending time with God because I always thought a schedule would regiment the life right out of my relationship. I don't think that's the case anymore. If I have an incredibly early day I am now scheduling God time in the evening. If I have a late night I will schedule God time in the morning. This way I will not let work interfere with the most important thing in life. My relationship with my creator. Let's see how this unfolds.
If you are in a praying mood, this is mostly what I have been praying the last week or so. Please feel free to pray for me if you get a chance.
Lord, thank You for everything you have given me. I am grateful.
I ask that You would help me continue growing closer to You. Help me be a man after Your own heart. Please help me spend time with You regularly. Please motivate me to read my bible as my schedule allows. Please help me reflect You to those around me and encourage them in their relationship with You too.
Thank you for the youth that have come into my life in the last year. Please bless them as they move into high school and help them stay strong in their faith. I pray that I was a blessing in their lives. Thank You for the new kids that will come into my life in the Fall.
Lord, VBS is coming up quickly. Please help us share Your love with all the kids that attend. I ask that You will give all the organizers and volunteers strength, energy, wisdom and sleep next week.
Thank You for relationships. Lord, I ask that You will continue to teach me how to be a friend to others. And how to be a boyfriend to one person in particular. Thank You for special relationships. I ask that You help us continue to grow and share and have fun. Help me not to second guess everything. Help me be a strength and a comfort and a friend to her.
Thank You for everything.
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