Sunday, February 6, 2011

Tag: Prayer

I am starting a new tag on the right hand side of the screen.  Prayer.

I pray a lot.  A lot more than I used to pray.  I find praying to be a real part of who I am.  I do like quiet times and alone times and I find that those times are conducive to prayer.  I've been going to the prayer time before C&C and my church's Friday morning prayer times and they have been good.  They are special times to me, even though I pray all over the place, all the time.  I've typed up some prayers on this space and I have a book where I write my thoughts on sermons, bible reading, etc... and they always seem to turn into a conversation with God, or Prayer.  So I thought I may as well add this new dimension to the blog.  I will pray online, for everyone to see.  If something strikes a chord with you, please join me.  Thank you.


Lord, thank You that I can come to you with my thoughts and feelings.  Thank You for being with me.

Please help CC work on the stress in his life.  Help him learn to deal with the very important situations in his life in a healthy way that brings You glory and blessing to the people he heals.

Please help HF with her family situation and her aunt that is diagnosed with cancer.  Lord, I know You can heal and I ask that You heal her aunt so she is cancer free again.  I ask that You repair the broken relationships in HF's family and give her the strength to withstand the negativity that is coming her way.  Please bring people around her to support her and hug her as she goes through this tough time.  Please help HF find a job, a perfect job for her.

Please help TS with her bad dreams.  Thank You Lord for her innocence and faith to come to You and ask that You direct her dreams at night.  Please honour her request.

Thank You for CI.  He's a great guy who has poured his life into others and Your life into others as well.  Please bring him peace as he's about to become a dad.  Please continue the physical healing he is going through after his surgery.

Thank You for CS.  He is himself at all times and that offers me hope.  Please continue to meet with him as he seeks You out.  Please meet his spiritual needs.

Please help DP find a new job that exceeds all her expectations.

Please continue to heal AC.  He needs physical healing and healing within his own personal life and family life. God, sometimes I struggle to believe that the last two things will ever happen.  Please use our family to bring You to him.

Thank You for BB and his desire to serve you.  Please give him the power and support he needs to conquer the things he struggles with.  Thank You that he is a man of God giving his life to lead other men to You.

Thank You for AH.  No one has ever made me so mad and happy or tried my patience more.  It is good.  AH is always there when I need to talk.  Thank You for placing the most unlikely of people in my life.

Thank you for KS.  She has blown my mind.  She has brought me to the place where I feel accepted enough to be myself.  That is an amazing gift.  Lord, please use her mightily.  Place her in positions where she can continue to use her amazing gift and please bless her.

Thank You for CH.  CH made life in the north so much more bearable for me.  Thank you for sending CH into my life when I needed someone like that.

Lord, thank You for people like DS who are so unique they give life a different flavour.  Thank You for helping her through things she went through.  Please help her find a job, and a place she can call her own.

And thank You for AS.  Her writing is inspiring and her thoughts are amazing.  Please honour her heart for You.  Please help her with the friendship issues she is working through.  Please don't let untrue thoughts influence her situation or decisions.  And please heal her uncle.  I'm asking for a physical miracle Lord.

Thank You for RS and her ability to bring comfort to those around her.  Please answer her request to be a positive influence to the people in her life.  Please bring her a mental fortitude and peace in her daily life.  Please answer her request not to avoid people different than her but be a blessing to them.

Thank You for TM.  Another person of God.  Lord please bless her.  Thank You for the heart You have given her.  Please continue to give her strength to overcome any anxiety that may try to sneak up in her life.

Thank You for BS and JS.  (ya, I said BS)  Thank You that they truly want to serve You.  Thank You for their heart.  Please bless their family.  Please bless the ministry that they do.

Thank you for CK.  It blows me away to see a guy just starting out in life so strong in faith.  Thank You for the witness he has been to me, even if he doesn't know it.

And Lord, K.  Please heal her lord.  Please. Please.  Please.  God this is the most difficult situation I know and if I could do, or give, or sacrifice anything for this I would.  Please Lord, I ask for physical healing.  A miracle is the only thing that will help now.  Please let your presence be known and felt by K and her family.

Wow.  Thank You for all these amazing people in my life.  Lord I ask that our relationships would continue to grow and deepen and be sincere.  I ask that You would play a role in them and that they would be honouring to You.

Thank You for GS and his heart for prayer.  Lord, please continue the healing You have begun in him.  Please bless him and help him find the thing he is looking for.

Thank You for RL who took the first steps at reaching out to me.  Please help him achieve what he is working towards and remove the stresses of working under deadlines from him.  Thank You for putting such a positive person on my path.

Thank You for RF.  The man has ability to bring life wherever he goes.  Thank You for giving him that gift.  It is inspiring.  Please continue to guide and direct him as he changes people's hearts and points them to You.

Thank You for C&C.  It was so weird how I ended up here.  I don't necessarily know how great my motives originally were in seeking out a place to fit, but You have done good things.  Lord please continue to use C&C to change lives.  Help us not only focus inward as we grow in relationship and heal from our pasts, but help us focus outward as well.  Please help us welcome the outsiders and reach out beyond our walls to the world outside.  Thank You for the heart of this community of believers.  Please continue to bless the leadership and all who pass through.  Please help us make a difference in the world.

And for me God, I don't know.  Help me be the man You have made me to be.  Please remove any fear or doubt or anxiety or any other stupid thing trying to hang on to me.  Lord, I ask that I have the courage to go out and change the world within my sphere of influence.  Help me read the bible and absorb it.  Help me live with the passion and desire I have seen in others, but help me make it my own.  Thank You that the hunger I once had, and feared was gone, has returned.  Lord, please use me to accomplish your will.  Please let my life be pleasing to You.  Please call me friend.  And Lord, with all those other things in my life, I have said repeatedly that I turn them over to You.  I'm not sure if I have done that totally yet.  I don't want to abandon  my abilities to make decisions and use logic which You have given me but I don't want to try and keep You out of any area of my life either.  Help me find that balance.  And the whole girl thing...  I still don't know what to do.  I have been saying for months I will focus on You and let that situation sort itself out.  It still isn't sorted out yet Lord, but I do trust You.  And I thank You for the wise people you have put in my life to offer me guidance.

All these things Lord I ask in Jesus' name.  Amen.

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