Thursday, February 3, 2011

I've Got To Be Unstoppable

I think this video is a pretty good metaphor for how I sometimes think the Christian life should be. You can try to figure out what I mean on your own.

Now, this blog is about to go downhill fast. Back to the thoughts from the previous post. I did not do what I said I was going to do, even when I had the opportunity to do it. Arg. I just don't know how. I'm a turtle. I met someone at a Christmas party 6 weeks ago who described herself the same way. We turtle when there is someone we like. That is to say, we go into our shell and avoid the person we like for fear that they might find out we like them. So, how do you know we like a person? We totally avoid them. Now, if that person was to guess how we feel, they would probably think we don't like them at all because we avoid them, don't talk to them when we have the opportunity to and don't seem to be as social around them as we are with other people. That's a fair assessment. And unfortunately that's exactly what I did tonight, again, just like last week. I am so frustrated with my self.

Arg. So, I'll take any advice anyone wants to give me in the comments below. Seriously, anything.

I now return you to your regularly scheduled blog reading.

1 comment:

Matthew said...

I wouldn't beat yourself up about it but it's good to consider why we act the way we do. I'll drop you a line later but just wanted to say thanks for being so honest and asking for help;)