Thursday, November 25, 2010


More random thoughts ahead, although somewhat arranged this time...

I have said previously I think a lot.  But what does that really mean?

Well, I am constantly thinking of possibilities.  When someone says something is impossible that is all the motivation I need to think of ways to achieve the impossible.  And many times I do.
I analyze a lot.  I take seemingly random things and form them into a cohesive idea or derive a narrative from seemingly unrelated facts.
I am intuitive, in that I make judgments based on very little evidence, but still end up at a correct conclusion by filling in the blanks with my perceptions and analysis.
And I imagine a lot.  My mind is always focussed on the what ifs.  I can run through scenarios that I may never experience but go through all my options and outcomes so I am ready if the opportunity ever comes up.

I don't know if many people are like that.

It is a blessing and a curse.

The blessing is that I am never bored.  There's a world inside my head full of possibilities and new ideas.  It's a pretty cool place to visit sometimes.

The curse is that there is a world outside my head too which I don't always interact with because I'm stuck inside my head.  Unfortunately for me that world doesn't behave the way I want it to all the time.

But the great thing about being aware of how I work is that I can make changes if I don't think things are the way they should be, the way God wants them to be.  I've said it before, many times, but I am aware of my shortcomings so now I can change them.

And that is what I have been doing the last 4 months.  I have been limiting life inside my head and going out to experience the real world.  I guess I am trying to be a better balanced introvert.  I am experiencing new things and people.  When I say new, I really do mean new, to me at least.  But now that I've experienced these new things I find myself running back inside my head analyzing it all and digesting it and trying to figure out what it all means.  Maybe I'm over thinking everything too much.  Scratch that.  I am definitely over thinking everything too much.

There is one particular thing I have been thinking about for a while now and I don't know what to do with it.  I've written an entry about it but I have not published it (yet) because I just don't know where I want to take it.  Really, this whole post is just me trying to say I have been thinking about something, something I want to share, but don't know how.  I have discussed it with one friend, who is the exact opposite of me in almost every way, and it has given me hope and new insight, but I am still unsure how to proceed.

When I run into these situations I tend to go back to God again.  To delight myself in the Lord, to trust Him always, to be the person He wants me to be, and hopefully the rest of the pieces will fall into place.

This entry was really more for me than you.  I think it's helped.

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