Saturday, August 3, 2013

A Life Well Lived

A guy I went to school with just died yesterday of Cancer. He had been fighting it for over a decade. The majority of the time I knew him he had cancer. People are starting to share their condolences on line and its caused me to stop and think about life and mortality. Actually, I was thinking about those things for a while now, but this death pushed it to the forefront. What do I want to say on the subject? A lot. What I'll actually say won't be so long. My mind is going in a radically different direction than most others are at this time, and I'll only say what I'm going to say because I know that those who might be bothered by it don't know of this space.

Some lives are not well lived.
Some lives are a waste of the potential they possess.

I believe that God can redeem all lives but sometimes death arrives before that life is redeemed.
And I'm not just talking about a spiritual, non-material, eternal redemption.
I'm talking about the here and now.

Rarely do I ever go on some speech or "sermon" or rant that is not aimed at myself first, before making it to any innocent bystanders. This is no exception.

I want to live the life God wants me to live. I haven't quite figured out what that life looks like yet, but I'm constantly trying to seek that out. I'm closer to whatever that may be on a daily basis than if I had never tried to seek God's will for me life. I believe that my inspirations and motivations are divinely influenced because I've given my life to God. As such, seeking out the desires of my heart is also seeking out the desires of God's heart for me. I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing to desire things and search to fulfil your desires. As long as you are also seeking to live in God's will, the two will line up.

If some lives are not well lived, it only stands to reason that others are.
I want to live a life well lived.
I don't know what that all entails, but I am very certain that I'm not there yet.
There's so much more I want to do and be a part of still. There's so much baggage I want to shed and leave behind. If I were to pass away tomorrow, would I be satisfied with where my life has lead, who my life has touched, and what my life has accomplished? I'm not sure. Probably not.
And that brings me to the question that's been running in the background of my life for almost as long as I can remember. How do I get there? I see other people seeming oblivious to the ebbs and flows of life arrive at the destinations I want to arrive at with no effort whatsoever. Then I look at myself and see huge obstacles and difficulties in my way to achieving what others achieve so easily. It's extremely frustrating. And I tend to be a person that thinks through many scenarios and possibilities and circumstances before making a move which bogs me down in inactivity instead of propelling me to action. Should I just turn off my thinker and engage my doer? That's not the type of person I am, and yet the type of people who are seem to accomplish more than my type simply because they don't even comprehend the obstacles in their way.


What does a life well lived look like?
I know what I think it looks like. I may write a post on that some day.
What does it look like to you? Are you there yet, or even heading in the right direction?

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